Is Gray a Sign of Aging or What …?


Is Gray a Sign of Aging or What …
Is Gray a Sign of Aging or What …?

If gray is a wise measure .......... Why hide it?

In the past it would have been very difficult for someone to ask this kind of question, because gray hair is considered a sign of prudence, no doubt associated with seeing a lot that only older people had that position. But today, gray-headedness is a vicious circle and almost everyone tries to run away from it, as it is a major trait. Now old age stinks and everyone tries to run away from it in various ways including age denial and backwardness in practice. In short this is the history of the gray, do not fear them in vain!

Almost all natural hair dyes are derived from a substance called melanin, which is produced by the body from cells known as melenocytes. When hair turns white it means that melenocytes no longer produce melanin. This change of hair from black to gray is not a matter of one day but of years and years, as one hair changes over time and another. It’s not just a one-day step. As a person gets older the body's ability to produce melanin decreases.

This condition begins to decline when a person reaches the age of 35 or 40. But some people begin to develop gray hair at just 20 years of age. If you look at good smokers, you will find that they have started to grow gray earlier than 35 or 40 years. There are people who, even if they are 60 years old, still do not want to see white hair on their heads.

These people wander here and there looking for a remedy to remove gray hair and perhaps use hair dye to make the white hair color less noticeable. This is like a madman to some extent. Why? First there is the fact that many of these so-called gray dyes have an effect on the user's body. But the greatest insanity is their act of rejecting the truth that they should be proud of. Gray hair is still a sign of wisdom. If you are old enough to grow gray and have not done anything meaningful and have not made any meaningful contribution to your family or the community in which you live you must hide your gray hair. Why? Because you will be so embarrassed to appear that your age is too high but you have not done anything.

When I say meaningful contribution I do not mean money or property, but more I mean constructive ideas and perhaps preparing the foundations for building with a view to bringing development in the future. Take a closer look, you will find that all the people who try to hide their gray hair are those people who are more governed by the tastes and desires of their bodies than human development. They are the people who, even if they have money, do not know exactly why they are here on earth. This is because people of this type are very afraid of age, very afraid of dying because they have not completed what they came to do on earth because they do not know yet
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