And Sumai Salum
Widows district in Shinyanga Kishapu they should take courage and find enough time to relax the mind before deciding to enter into other new relationships with the aim of overcoming the challenges and crises of relationships after they have lost their partners.

That has been said today June 23,2020 and Community Development Officer Mr Kishapu Council. Joseph Swalala a day of celebration of Widows Around a slogan saying "RIGHT TO PROTECTION FOR WIDOWS SOLID BASE FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT" where he iasa category kutoendeleza customs and repressive and outdated aimed at depriving widows of their rights of ownership succession of loss when their husbands.

"Law of Succession states after husband dies the wife is supposed to be in charge but traditions and customs oppressive have been zikipindisha this rule by selecting brother husband of late that am the administrator and asset zikishaisha is mterekeza, but also niwashauri widows should never marry because many will come to you for the purpose misusing the property and leave it better be still first find out what to do to help you and your children were left for us ", added Swalala.

Also Swalala claimed that the government maintains the procedure to allocate money percent, 10 for economic development and alleviating liba unlike previously where women (4%), young people (4%) and people with disabilities (2%) with the aim of helping them leverage economic and appeal to them to increase incomes while private institutions and organizations devoted to the quantity to enable widows.

Bi. Annastadhia Christopher Lwekila a widow who lives in the village of Isoso suburb of Karume, who is a mother of 5 who stayed for more than 6 without her husband and is now engaged in farming and manufacturing interior decoration, has said that they have been meeting the challenge of wanting to be inherited after death of their husbands as widows without children were harassed and driven from the family were not counted in the man's hand as he urged women to engage with business and eliminate dependence.

"The situation of abuse exists to some as the day of mourning has chosen someone to defend the family and then uses the properties favorably with the results being made then he left and widows who were fortunate bore that is nothing at all to thank God, now I'm able to interdependent economically despite being I have children who trusted now 2 from farming I oufanya with crafts of various products of nature I get income off and that I was not concerned about my husband before he is still alive, but I urge the community love them and appreciate them widows but also women to work even if they still own husbands, because death has hello ", said Mrs. Lwekila.

Shade is an organization that protects the rights of women and girls in various regions in the country, including in the Shinyanga district Kishapu where the agency's project manager nongovernmental Bi. Eunice Mayengela has said that the presence of the day of widows gives them the opportunity to continue to educate the community about the equal rights to own property and to give priority to helping widows to solve the challenges you experienced in the past have lost their husbands.

"We as an organization have the right to defend widows as a major challenge exactly is community Sukuma often have been seen after the death of a man there is a conflict with a woman dies there is no conflict and that is due to traditions and customs diffuses bad attitudes and even abuse sexual widows to obtain services from the administrator of the family because they do not have enough knowledge about the rules of succession, including the duration of the proceedings succession opened after 90 days that is excessive and do not elimuya help piandi sees his property zinatapanywa he put withholding court " said Bi. Mayengela.

Moreover Mayengela added that it is time for the community, policy makers and decision makers to put joint efforts to manage the affairs of the access rights of widows in real time as counsel of inheritance have been assuming five to ten years completed which to some is the category linalopelekea breach of widows' rights to manage denials positions were zovuna property with their husbands, male relatives of the amount of real splash with widows and orphans wandering life.

Lord Habib collect resident Kishapu who condemned the traditions and customs rags beneath deprived right widows who are supposed to be thi of these assets, which were gathered by their husbands to help them they and the children are left with the father of the family, while urging men in the habit of writing as it will remove the complexity of family.

"My appeal is for the government to ensure the protection of widows stands by the law of the country in exchange for management rights of inheritance of property without interference and kubughuziwa anyone," added COLLECTION
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