REA contractors WANTS TO COMPLETE THE WORK IN RURAL distribution of power ON TIME

REA contractors WANTS TO COMPLETE THE WORK IN RURAL distribution of power ON TIME

Member of the Rural Energy Agency (REA) Henry sing (left) inspecting construction materials Electric Company project supplying Ccce Electrical Co Ltd has distributed electricity Wembere villages and take up Iramba district in Singida. Right is the company's employees.
Chinese citizens who are employees of the company implementing the project.
Talk before going to inspect the project.
Transfomer project area being prepared for closure.
Member of the Rural Energy Agency (REA) Henry sing (right) inspecting the construction of the electrical equipment of the project.
The premise being Iramba district project area.

And Ismailly Luhamba, SINGIDA.

The Board of the Rural Energy Agency (REA) has said it will not hesitate to prosecute legal action to prosecute and entail bankruptcy including contractors who failed to finish on time operations of electricity supply in the areas entrusted by June 30, this year.

Member of the Board of REA, Henry sing was speaking on a visit to inspect the project to supply electricity to rural districts Iramba implemented by the Company Ccce Co Ltd on Wembere villages and take up Iramba district.

Moreover sing explained that due to the contract that went to companies that transmits nishatai that the situation will have no mercy and they will not be able to prolong the contract even one day and instead will focus on what is agreed in accordance with the contract who signed them.

"And the beauty within the contract described by the obligations of all parties to the agreement and ainaelezwa also failed to implement what you have to do in accordance with the contract, what follows is charged when there seized there." He sisitizs the member of the Board of Rea.

However, such member of the Board of Rea made it clear also that man company that wants his company should go forward there akutopewa work to add that I think if there is a inawerza continue along without work and its client government is the largest by rea handing out those tasks.

Acting Director of Policy and Planning of the REA, Engineer Elineema cycle made it clear that in the project which is the first of three cycles has been implemented in 25 regions of Tanzania and the goal was to send in 3,559 villages.

According to Engineer cycle until by June 30 this year, be 3,559 villages have been provided with electricity and it will be completed in the villages has led to more than 70 percent of Tanzania's villages have electricity infrastructure.

However, during the fifth phase takes office in 2016 Tanzania Tanzania and 2,018 villages have electricity and so it was until April this year the settlements and electricity were 9,200.

For his aupande Project Manager Project Rural Energy Agency (REA) of the third phase, Mr Baraka Mhagama noted that until now the project has reached 90 percent and the remaining ten percent are those that were facing various challenges.

He mentioned the challenges that include transportation of materials and that as President inavyofahamaika policy is that a large percentage of the material should be procured locally.

"A large percentage of the challenge is in the import of equipment as you know the President's policies is that a large percentage of the material to be taken within the same wasambazajai our slightly in their ability was not good especially for columns but we can fight them to the end of the day we have not gotten enough . " Mhagama said.
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