Minister of Industry, Innocent Bashungwa cast TBS Director Of Work Staff assignment of Coat Of Excellence In Time.
Minister of Industry, Innocent Bashungwa cast TBS Director Of Work Staff assignment of Coat Of Excellence In Time.
Minister of Industry and Trade, Hon Innocent Bashungwa has instructed the Director General of the Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) to fire the agency's staff that tax money and that delayed the exercise Offer emblem of quality for products manufactured in the Industry tiny country.
Bashungwa Minister has given instructions that today 30 June 2020 made tour in Simiyu and visit the factory of potato nutrition Usindikani exists Maswa district known by the name of Ng'hami Industries Company Ltd.
Bashungwa has reached that decision after reaching a factory there and inspect the products the factory which is potato flour nutrition and discover treasures emblem of quality of TBS, which challenges the imesababiswa and agency staff TBS to ask money for the function of a given brand of quality also kuchewesha for more than seven months without being given answers or emblem of quality.
Minister Bashungwa after seeing this challenge phoned the Director General and Dr. TBS. Yusuf Ugenya and instructed him to fire his staff who go against the orders which had been laid down from time to time kutowachelewesha Merchant because that is not the core causing product denials emblem of excellence for the time that cause environmental corruption and disruption to manufacturers of various products.
And the CEO of the factory Mr. Tobi Rufunga stated that the letter of request was sent TBS brand of quality from the new 11, 2019 but until now has not given any response to having taken the samples of the product have been asked to provide the amount of Tsh. 520,000 / = to be given an emblem of quality which is contrary to the rules and conditions of the organization.
In addition Mr. Tobi said that the factory now produces flour until potatoes diet of two types which are flour porridge for the function of all ages also use the flour to bake cakes, bread and pastry.
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